369 Days...But Who's Counting?
It still lurks. 369 days like a goddamn week and a half. I didn't keep track. I figured after one year I might not think about it anymore. I didn't have a basis for comparison. This is the first time I've gone a whole year (and more) without either opiate or speed to guide me through. My journey involves sailing away from both. I imagine a boat sailing to a nowhere horizon when it gets hard. It shouldn't still be hard. But I'm realizing if I was ever going to follow through on this kick shit, I should have kept a kindergarten habit like most folks do. Mine started functional, stayed that way for a while but... Big street habit right? My mind runs through random scenarios starring amalgamated hypothetical kicking junkies who had a much easier time of things than I am. Starring snarling, disdainful academics calling me a cunt for not being on kick easy street by now. This mingled with tell of some others who kick and it's like--or at least they make it seem like-...