The Simple Seven Inside

So many Sevens in the esoteric mash of world religion. Lights, seals, churches, elements. A 777 trying to connect them all and that is also days to be God's number.

Fuck sake. A lot to gobble. Even more to digest. Religion needs a diet.

Maybe now, just 7 simple things will do. The Shrinks sought to hash this all out but they used billions of words to do it--can the dross be removed? Why not try.
The first 4 things.

(1-3)Thought+Will+Habit. (4)Integrity is the name of god. (5)Person is the whole manifest whose poles are (6)I Am (7)You Think.

It is the same as these four things:

Father+Son+Holy Spirit. Yahweh. Azazel+Samael+Lilith. Satan. Nuit+Hadit+Ra Harkuit. Aiwaz. Vishnu+Shiva+Brahma. Aum. Etc+Ad+Infinitum. Rhetoric.

There are many fours. Pick one and call it faith.

Add 5-7. The Self, and The Self-Image.

Who your inner monologue says you are plus what it says others think of you based on your evaluations of your own doings. Also what experience tells you is the truth of yourself and themselves. I think therefore I am and thus I do so folks like me and god wants me in heaven. The one-sentence peek into life's bowels. Some will argue I left out money. No I didn't. Who can make money without some degree of popularity?

Poof, out with the lamp!

Here's how it works. Take the fours. Thought is the Father of Will, isn't it? Will's wife is Habit, yes? You think, you want, then you do? The Name is Archetype, an edified wholeness used to individuate into a quintessential You and be reborn as if from the womb of a divine mother, yes? Habit may change Will, correct? We do things because we want divine favor, right? Even if money is your God? Ever notice how Nuns wear a Habit?

Now, take the threes. One Who is A Great Person does things Others Find Worthy. Thus they are financed and bang, a body can eat and fuck and shelter and live. Isn't this the most basic way we thrive in our varied fashions? No matter what form it all takes? Be ye scientist or dingbat, is it any different at this level?

I say no. What you get is a workable thing.

Too much confusion. People talk about Lightwork. You know what's a great way to Lightwork? Take the damn confusion out of life. If numbers have taught us anything it's that all can be simplified to zero. Mentally this is the same thing as Buddha's wish to dissolve humanity. Why didn't they say it this way? Maybe they didn't have the words. I like to think it started with that and everything following was incidental. All hustles aside, that means we can still evolve. We can figure out why we think we do the way we do, what makes us tick, and build from it.


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