Neuralink, Mengele Musk, and Related Dystopia

Neuralink. I think we all know what it is, so I'll just cut right to the meat of the situation. 99% lean. There's a lot to cover.

If you allow the system to put a microchip in your brain, the system now owns you. You don't own your brain anymore. Recall that creepy Schwab comment, "by 2030 you'll own nothing, and be happy about it"? Well, ho-ho. Neuralink would be a great way to ensure that, wouldn't it? Thou art malcontent? Well, we'll just turn you off, eh? Or at least turn off your ability to be malcontent. Maybe plug you into one of our machines so you can better serve the system as a battery, *considering every human body, in shape or not and even at rest, contains enough electricity to power NY for 4 days.* (source: A Complete History of Nearly Everything by Bill Bryson)

Can't be right? Yes. Indeed it can. Put nothing past technology. Remember the phone in your hand, and how you once thought there was just NO WAY they'd ever have something like that. For my parents, they called that one the TV, and for theirs, it was the radio. For some of my friends, it was the idea that we'd ever see Jim Carrey's Cable Guy be right about...well, everything. 

Our buddy Rockefeller put not too fine a point on the advent of full personal tyranny maybe a decade ago when he said there would soon come a time when, if you don't do what the system demands, they'll just turn you off. This is starting in Canada (Trudeau did it and Fox News was quick to decry Trudeau for it, as if America 'would never'...hard sell, bud) France, and India. It's coming soon to America. Not just your finances, but your very brains will be in the hands of a cashless fascism. Full political control of Food, Finance, The Organic Brain, and certainty even the Air. I always thought that the canned air from Spaceballs was just a joke. Now, I'm not so sure.

2.99 plus tax

Is this argument against the tech a straw man? HA! I FUCKING WISH! Straw Men signify a made-up argument about a problem that isn't there. Unfortunately there IS a cryptocoin. Be it Bit or Doge (Muskcoin) or Crypto or another brand it is there, unlike that famous haypiece of imagination. There also IS a Neuralink and if you think for one single second they will not perfect that thing you are sorely mistaken, believe me or don't, you will see it. These things are problematic as only a goddamn fool would trust ANY leadership with the kind of power Neuralink and Cryptocoin bring to the table. 

DYSTOPIA: What I expect to see after the initial fear of Neuralink is crushed under various ridiculing smears is the wealthy using the device, not the pols, (at least not publically, that is to say, by admission) but these soul-swallowing Over Swine like Schwab and his brigade of Globalist Lizards. Throw a few famous rappers into the mix for good measure--after all, someone has to sell a BRAIN IMPLANT to the public. Get the new agers by telling them they can Astral travel with it. Fuck me. Just imagine the memes. Musk has presented the Astral claim himself. Just so you know. 

What, Me Satan?

Musk or Mengele Musk as I prefer to think of him, may also be heard on Joe Rogan claiming that Neuralink will give users telepathic capabilities. A little psychokenesis, every wannabe Harry Potter's wet dream.

FUCK THAT. The LAST thing any of us should want is to allow the Elites or their kids,  or anyone really is to have ye-bloody-spheres TELEPATHIC capabilities. Musk comments on the fear campaign that's come against Neuralink. I see this and think, "You hideous bastard. People should be afraid of this. We can't even have the internet without people torturing animals and culling children for sex and running red rooms with Hostel type shit going on and baby, THAT SHIT IS REAL, so...what happens if you give them fucking telepathy, hm? Jackass!"

But when it hits the market, I expect humans will mainly drool. Especially Gen Alpha. There's what we want, a bunch of the Gen Alpha children of elite millennials and Zs walking around with telekinesis. Have you ever watched Qui Gong? Saying Neuralink is what Musk says it is and that capability, almost impossible to attain, opens up in the psyche en masse due to tech, bunch of little shithead Firestarters running around. Whole fleets of cybernetic juveniles scampering in wayward abandon with the ability to stare at you and command your bowels to release in public, or maybe make you kill the guy next to you because, you know, it's kids, and kids think shit like that is funny. Imagine that world for a moment. What's the idea to check and balance this, make that aspect of the tech illegal? HA! When has that ever stopped anyone, especially the wealthy? Or illegal for who, everyone but the COPS? Granted, this is also dystopia (mostly) for fun, but the possibility or like possibilities exist in Musk's Neuralink world.

(Update: More likely to be Alphas *kids* realistically speaking, not them, once again, you're in the Satire Zone, so...)

LESS DYSTOPIAN, MORE TRUE: You can bet Citizen Musk himself is a fucking psychopath, just not a violent one...unless of course you go on all fours. I do suggest you listen to him speak, choppy speech patterns, the dead-eyed stiffness, false diffidence, the unwillingness to concede dangers without being petulant. High level of animal deaths in your experiments? he's been asked. Reply: "Oh, that's okay, they have a Disneyland!" (paraphrased-source: Joe Rogan Experience and no, it wasn't an enjoyable one) Hundreds of animals mistreated, but that's okay, they're kept amused.

Bread and Circuses, even for the doomed monkeys. 

Already, and I know because I've done it myself and mentioned it before, people are thinking Neuralink would be cool to have, for many reasons. Cure mental illness, instantly order your own USB personality, enhance sexual performance, enhance work performance by switching off the need for sleep (this one makes the oligarchy ROCK THE FUCK HARD, I promise you), enhance athletic I could go on all day with what sort of doors Neuralink would open, both good and bad. Fuck. I might actually see the Bears win a game for once. But that thinking will wind up getting a shlub like me turned off for speaking his mind. I can't do it. I won't. Fuck that. Creature comforts and vicarious thrills aren't worth that kind of leash.

"But the news says you can't cap capitalism, that's socialism, yarr. If you don't let Billionaires play however they want you're not American."

Okay. Musk wants to put 4 electrodes inside the meat the makes you cogent. Read that six more times. He'd rather do that than allow stem cells to repair your spinal cord, or cure cancer, etc. Remember those things? Stem Cells? Them baby cell thangs what could grow y'all shit back when the doc give em to ya if you be paralyzed n'missin limbs n'shit to put it in layman's fashion? Those things. Why do we need Neuralink if we have those things instead? Why are stem cells D'DEBBIL but Neuralink is just got-damn American, sanctioned by Jesus Inc.?

Simple. Those with the gold want Neuralink because a stem cell isn't going to give them a switch they can pull at whimsy to shut you off. Maybe they could predispose a target to cancer or the like with stem cells, but Neuralink? Shit. If they want to fritz your entire nervous system all they have to do is type in your serial number, insert the proper protocols in the codex, hit enter, and puppet you. There may be a five minute lag.

But that'll never happen, nah.
Musk is trustworthy, right? Hell, all the Billionaires are, just like the politicians, right? These problems aren't possible...right?

You can stop here if you like because it's--

CHEVY CHASE STYLE RANT TIME: What's that I hear about history repeating itself and everything looking very much like the Nazis again what with Mengele Musk and Fox Goebels and the left wing being the only ones responsible for economic collapse, Russia the Enemy, Right-Wing Hero-Game bullshit, Warmongering, silencing anyone who tries to talk about it as clowns and trolls and maybe they live at home hairless masturbators, world of Jack Off Jill's, promotions of schizophrenic narcissism, cartoon clown world, squatting the White House as has every impeached president since Bill The Fuck Clinton and declaring war on everything forever, only hope a police state with eyes in the sky, on your phones, maybe above the toilet if we can swing it (beats the fuck out of Stormtroopers), foaming at the mouth over Marxism and re-electing a fat cunt who talks like the highly juvenile, derisive Hitler--

"Death to Marxism!" Nah, we haven't heard that here in America at all, have we? 

History. Repeats. Itself. With Upgrades.

Someone's going to ask what that has to do with Neuralink so...

I invite you to use your own brain while you still can. THAT'S what it has to do with Neuralink. See you next time. 


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