Strange Playground: The Query Process
Is like digging into my own plasma and going for a swim... I’m going to have a 300 plus printed pages book when I’m done with this. I’ve barely cracked into the editing process, and I’ve already added 4k words to the first chapter, finding it thin and kind of a non-sequitur...not anymore, but it was. I don't know if the other chapters need that. The last third of the book, very likely. Since I already have 280 plus, it won’t be hard to break 300. I have no idea the monster this will turn into. I only know it needs to be better than it is, and I have incredibly high hopes for what the book could be...if I can just bring it there. The writer I was last year is not the writer I am now. Not by leaps and bounds. However, I for damn sure didn’t suck back then. This book is easy to read, and it takes the reader where I want them to go. Hell, it better, I spent a year agonizing over just what I have now. It is good, the stuff that happens is fucking peach…a fine tale of the street…but th...