
Showing posts from January, 2024

The Rube's Unified Field Experiment

This is what must die before it kills you.  INTRODUCTION: Though I address any who are interested this is mainly for people who are trying to kill neurosis ( abundant irrational fear manifesting as anger or cowardice to the point where the overthinking damages the mental state*) bred of disorder, bipolar, PTSD, personality disorders, the like. If that is not you, maybe you don’t need this, but don’t shit on those who do. Hopefully I’m not the only person on the planet who isn’t a little bored with the shit-on-everyone-who-isn't-like-me attitude. This is NOT Christianity, though it should be. As with everything else occult, which this is, you must not concern yourself with what anyone else is going to think about it. Seriously. Fuck people and what they think. Absolutely do not heed them and they will lose all their steam. Trust me. In time you’ll be presented with much more suitable people and know how to interact with them. It also follows you must not be an asshole and trea...

The Comic Horror of Finding Your Animus

When you dig into the Self, things can get gonzo very fast.  In meditation today I saw my subconscious animus—a whale of a woman on a spotted, torn couch…there was a lady in Beavis and Butt-Head that looked a bit like what I saw. She was a sex phone worker in the cartoon, but in this vision, she only squat on the couch with her mouth agape and vibrating. I heard nothing. I got the sense that this was my inner critic—a thing that creates confused imagoes of the people I know in my head and tries to convince me they’re the actual people (imagoes is the fancy word for that), a tyrannical thing is only pacified by reaching goals.  The split off ego in a man I suppose will often turn female, and it doesn’t like him. Not a bit. Once you start getting away from this energy, it shows itself. This is the first time I’ve seen it. That must mean I’m doing something right. It must also be said that most men have no idea they have an evil bitch who is really a version of themselves that ne...