The Slippy Psyche--Ego, Superego, and Id in the Fucking Looney Tune

Mood music if you want it. I love this song. It helps keep things chill. It also goes along with what I'm taking about here in some ways. 

Born Slippy

(PS. I love Trainspotting. Book and film both. Don't like, oh well.)

I was feeling my animus pretty hard yesterday. It's all good. I got out of it by remembering all of this stuff to follow. Maybe you have an animus problem to. If so, read on. This is short, but by the end of it, you may feel like you just took four years of psych, because you can fix FUCKING EVERYTHING that's wrong with you just by knowing this stuff.

OK. Let's rock.

Let’s talk Id driven horseshit. Let’s talk Superego and all the little cunts that live in it. And let’s talk ego, spun by the other two in the unconscious person. I’d like to help people be more conscious of it. This would help society a lot. The explanations I’ve heard of these three things are very esoteric and highly lacking, mostly because they’re written by academics who have no fucking clue what it’s like to be a disordered person. Those clown shoes can’t help shit. I kind of don’t think they want to, but that could just be my borderline talking, but as with police, there is incentive for shrinks not to help become become sane. You know Hegel. I mean, they should be teaching everyone this because this is what happens to disordered people, and I don't give a good goddamn what any book has to say to contradict that. Try it my way and watch what happens.

I am in its grip. I am no fucking academic. That's why folks ought to listen.

So. Books are good for an instruction manual. They cannot tell you much about working ways to proceed because it's too slippy, the way to fix a person. They can tell you stop diets, revoking authentication, like what the fucking bloody goddamn fuck does all that bullshit mean? I have PTSD from having to fight for my life. Gabor Mate would say tell yourself you don't. Maybe he could tell my fucking solar plexus to stop being such a twat then. Yo can't revoke the authentication from something that has split off from you and created a life of its own inside your form. In fact, they think pricks like me can't be shrunk. 

I beg to differ.

Also, you don't six million pages of study. This will do.

We all know what the ego is, but do you know it’s connected to the thing that tells you when you’re in pain? The pain insular cortex on the right side of the brain. People are really big on talking about egos but what they’re really talking about it what I’m going to get to next. The ego is not bad. It’s your director. Its primary function is to make sure you avoid pain. This causes all kinds of issues because its connected to your persona. That why we basket case, initially.

Superego: The absolute troll cunt of the psyche. Fucking goddamn thing. This is the cunt that all the split off shit from your persona goes into. Think of it as a ball full of imps. If any shitty thing happens in your life and you’re disordered, the ball breaks and the imps come out. Then you have to catch the little sonsabitches and put them back in their box. If believe the motherfucker is in the left insula, the Observer. When he has to observe too much shitty shit, he'll create any number of mini personas in you. The point of those is to quell the storm that comes from the next place I'm talking about today. What spurs this bastard into action is the—

ID! (OH, YOU FUCKER!) No one knows what this is. I’m going to tell you. It’s the horse you ride, And it's always hungry, it's always horny, it's always happy-excited-tired-sad and fucking limbic. It is, pretty much, your body’s persona. Your personal Mr. Ed, if you will. BUT! Unfortunately for me (I'm not the only one like this), the manifest of it is the eel in my gut. Or if you don't like the eel, imagine someone turned a forever taser on and surgically implanted it in your belly, then told you to go fuck yourself. That is (my) the Id at work. Anxiety and need are Id driven. Women don’t like Id. Know why? Because Id will go for anyone. Id doesn’t care if you’re special or sweet, it only cares that you have genitals and can put them together with other people’s genitals, and if you have no control over it, it’ll make you an incel. Id will make a man gush for no fucking reason. Id is a fucker.

I’m not going to talk about incels today. Or other types of fuckers. I’m sure I’ll get to it. It’s music time.

I have so much to do.

So, if you're disordered and you feel like it, think about all of this stuff in tandem, how it might work together, and what it is all doing to you, and I promise you’ll fix whatever is in you that is broken. Need suggestions, you know where to find me.


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