The Slippy Psyche--Ego, Superego, and Id in the Fucking Looney Tune
Mood music if you want it. I love this song. It helps keep things chill. It also goes along with what I'm taking about here in some ways. Born Slippy (PS. I love Trainspotting. Book and film both. Don't like, oh well.) I was feeling my animus pretty hard yesterday. It's all good. I got out of it by remembering all of this stuff to follow. Maybe you have an animus problem to. If so, read on. This is short, but by the end of it, you may feel like you just took four years of psych, because you can fix FUCKING EVERYTHING that's wrong with you just by knowing this stuff. OK. Let's rock. Let’s talk Id driven horseshit. Let’s talk Superego and all the little cunts that live in it. And let’s talk ego, spun by the other two in the unconscious person. I’d like to help people be more conscious of it. This would help society a lot. The explanations I’ve heard of these three things are very esoteric and highly lacking, mostly because they’re written by academics who have no fuc...