
Showing posts from December, 2024

Active Imagination: Automatic Writing Session

Not my art, but cool and fitting.  Note: This was written a couple of days ago, and since then I've begun another piece of the process, this one having to do with archetypal lover energy and how it relates to the King energy in my psyche. I'll go into it another time. Point is, this beginning part with the 4 archetypes is a little misleading. I DON'T have all the mess in the Lover energy hashed out. However, I have caught the little bastard, and that's where it begins. Watch out for the Lover Within. That motherfucker is beyond slippy. I’ve told people I fixed myself. What I fixed was my narcissistic self, not the whole self. One does not simple fix the whole self like that. In the disordered person what is narcissistic must go first. Now, I believe I’ve gotten a great deal of that out, or I’d never be able to work with people. There’s a bit of it in how vocal I can be regarding certain happenings, but that’s how I have, historically (or histrionically, yikes) reacted ...

Return of The Cocaine Bros!

  Luckily, the posting type stuff is Bruni's gig Let’s talk about some of the external things I’m doing. I think I’ve talked enough about the internal for a while, suffice it say I’m close to catching all of the assholes in the Superego, figuring out who they are and what they do and how they fuck with me so I can dissolve them. I get to feeling like Dark Helmet, only the assholes are all in my head. Lucky me and everyone who loves me that I can control the urge to project what those little shitheels think on my friends.  I try not to do in instances of dating, but, well…eh. Those sorts of emotions are a lot more complicated in a bipolar man. I think I know what happened with the last sort of date I had. It’s cool. It was my bad, I have a real issue with multi-tasking at the wrong times, and I didn’t pay close attention to what was going on. This was shitty because the conversation was a big deal. And no, I wasn’t stoned, I was thinking about the next anthology I’m editing, th...

The Slippy Psyche--Ego, Superego, and Id in the Fucking Looney Tune

Mood music if you want it. I love this song. It helps keep things chill. It also goes along with what I'm taking about here in some ways.  Born Slippy (PS. I love Trainspotting. Book and film both. Don't like, oh well.) I was feeling my animus pretty hard yesterday. It's all good. I got out of it by remembering all of this stuff to follow. Maybe you have an animus problem to. If so, read on. This is short, but by the end of it, you may feel like you just took four years of psych, because you can fix FUCKING EVERYTHING that's wrong with you just by knowing this stuff. OK. Let's rock. Let’s talk Id driven horseshit. Let’s talk Superego and all the little cunts that live in it. And let’s talk ego, spun by the other two in the unconscious person. I’d like to help people be more conscious of it. This would help society a lot. The explanations I’ve heard of these three things are very esoteric and highly lacking, mostly because they’re written by academics who have no fuc...

The Machine

This will make more sense if you listen to  this first.  In the video, the female cyborg is being forced to download hellish experiences she doesn’t want. And she’s screaming in agony, pieces of her flesh falling away, the hole in her neck looks particularly painful. She’s singing the song to us, saying at the speed of sound I will be found as the experiences come, as she wishes they wouldn’t, as she just wants to fucking be turned off . The process described by the images is experiences come and they are erased. They come and are scrubbed. The brain does this when something hurts us too much. Now, what does any of this have to do with me? I feel exactly like her. Here are the lyrics to the song so you can see what Dev was on about—he’s writing about the issues he has had with…well, I won’t go into that. I remember him saying something to the tune of it was kind of like  fuck this shit, I’m making records, emotions can kiss my ass, they make me crazier than usual and ...

Pike's Place and Pineapple (Fairly Odd Recovery Poem)

I wrote this poem today because I didn't feel like messing with my novel--I did a whole lot on it over the past couple of days that has to steep, but the first half is finally perfect, at least in my view...I thought why not switch gears ? I wanted to write something kind of goofy about my experience, maybe a bit less dark, not that it isn't, but I think the humor offsets things. A few more of you wrote about coffee today. It must be Coffee Day. Is there one of those?  Pikes Peak and Pineapple I recall walking 15 miles through the night now my hip is gone and it ain’t right I strutted through the valley with a guitar and a knife the kind you stick inside yourself, alright? (like you can dig it) oh, I been to Pluto, man you bet I been to Mars these days I’m just glad I ain’t behind bars (yikes!) I love my coffee and all these lovely strains I love them both because I cannot have cocaine or heroin in vein or alcohol in brain For I cannot have goddamn MET...

Mammon's Chosen

I keep not keeping up with this. I should stop doing that. But I have a shitload of other stuff to do. Check out Rob' New To-Do List:  1. Generalized world domination via horror, metal, hip hop, or a like thing--that's where at all starts. I almost had that in the bag in 2007. I hate even writing that. I don't know whether to laugh, cry, kick myself in the balls for being a dipshit, or just keep doing this, so I'm going with the latter. Goddammit. Anyway.  2. Learn this new 61 key MIDI controller I have that came with fucking Pro-Tools (YEAH!) and a bunch of effects software. And tutorials. I kind of need those if I want to play a piano the way I ever played the guitar, which, when I wasn't fucking trashed, was pretty goddamn great. 3. Confessions from the Think Tank. Thing is fucking excellent, man. Everyone put out tougher than a dope sick prostitute riding the plug's favorite cousin while he watches. I guess this isn't too terribly pressing since it isn...