Cut Up Alchemical Diary #1

Welcome to I WRITE, I DREAM. 

The following is a result of using the Cut-Up Method on my meditation logs. I need a blog to keep myself focused, and hell, folks might get a kick out of reading it. One never knows. 

With no subject in mind I thought why not chop up some of my private words, make a gumbo of them, and see what happens? That's what this post includes. Many diary entries treated like Waffle House hash browns. I ran through the diary chopping words and lines here and there, then tossed them together in a coherent mass.

Other posts will be different. I'm not sure yet what I'll do with this blog. The fun for me is in finding out. And I don't mind giving everyone a twisting peek into the strange mind of an incredibly odd duck. That in itself tends to be fun. 


"Fixed the technical difficulties when I first hit the abyss after some fuss. I gathered prana and waited for intuition to come. It did, and the file sharing works, along with the mic and the camera projection into the mental attractor. Crystal in the pineal; I see a pendulum form, and it turns into a wheel. I spin it with a twirl and snap--or perhaps merely egg it on. I concentrate on trying to see myself sitting on the bed in meditation.

"The experiment has not changed, and the effects are becoming evident in trickles. I am stronger, more driven. It needs to be more. I continue. To dream the future and have it redeemed in manifest, to even have a shot at such an abstract doing, you must let go of your concern for externals as much as you can without fucking off your survival still mostly in albato. The basic concerns of work and home must remain. But for the ego, nothing. You can't be worried about what someone's going to think. If you do that, you're fucked. Your best bet is not to tell anyone and just do it for its own sake. 

"Let me build the wheels. I said this last. Am I ready? Perhaps I need to inure my simple routines more into myself before I go building wheels and experimenting like a bag of water with forms of quantum entanglement.

"Added a session after the morning sadhana. I do my first one right after I water plants. After second writing session I need to throw in another session. And maybe even another. Within a couple of weeks I'll have habituated a better ethic."


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