Sorry Carl, Truth Will Never Conquer Ease

 "I can understand the profound human need for comfort and ease, but I do not understand why truth should bend to this need." 


It took me a month to read that book. Learned quite a bit. Not only about psychological types and the intricacies of human thought forming, but the results of such thinking. The book points out the positive and negative results of both introverted and extroverted thinking, and the action and neurotic tendency resultant of over-abundant employ of either one. It exhorts the student to understand balance, and cautions against attaching much importance to symbols lest one fall prey to the soft lie within themselves and create a counterproductive persona. Or worse, fall prey to full psychosis.

It was a great book. But it may have caused my head strings to tie strange neural laces. Here are some:

People attach unreasonable degrees of spiritual significance to the flora and fauna floating in humanity's collective unconscious. That is to say, we connect crusades to our art in ways that are unhealthy. Our concerns like, "is this spiritual?" And, "will this promote my ego cause?" have brought us to a point where we can't see the forest for the trees, to a place where the tyrants feed us indignation at every turn, inspiring anger, purposely promoting divisivism under the auspices of righteousness. 

The truth is obfuscated when people work sadistic constellations because they can't get over some imagined or true slight. This bubbles up in the psyche and turns vile. Passive-aggression is a great way to get your tit for tat and still shine like a diamond. You can destroy the psyche of entire demographics with it. Use "positive gaslighting" (Jake Smith, MANIPULATION) to convince your Non-Targets the reverse psychology therein is not only deserved, it's paramount to a better world. 

That's a good way twist the truth like a snake and make a new Serpent. What is a Non-Target? A Sucker, a victim who doesn't know he's being victimized. He doesn't imagine himself a target until the bullet crashes through his skull. Or some Bigwig turns off his credit for talking the wrong shit on the Internet.

Group A once killed and oppressed Group B, let's say. Parts of Group A then decided to make it up to Group B, and we'll call that Group C. As the years passed and Group B became more powerful, they decided to promote the killing of Groups A and C since C looks like A, past commiserations notwithstanding. 

So in TRUTH, C wanted to help B but wound up being killed by B for ever being part of A, and why? 

"You did it first, A-Fucker!" That's the whole argument.

It feels fucking great, right? But what for the truth? That B has relegated itself to Group A? Nothing. That goes ignored. The junky does himself the same way. The psyche also does itself the same way. Media does the unconscious that way with big screen projections which incense archetypal thought functions, i.e. war movies airing two years before war breaks out to stir up sentiment and encourage young men to enlist. It sure is rough. Seems to me much if not all pleasure is a lie, and the integrity of crusades has been lost under ego weight. Maybe they never had any integrity and were merely exercises in whose asshole was convincing, more efficient, and thus rule-worthy.

Our Group B, in winning, either will never understand or never admit they're nothing but another Group A after what they've done. However, they are the Truth now, and anyone who wishes for ease had better adapt the same truth or be silenced. It's illegal to upset Group B.

Carl, you watched this happen in an extreme way.

Hell, you know no one likes feeling bad. Fuck the Truth. Who needs that vaporous ethic? These days we simply make up a truth based on what aesthetics go viral on social media. Real truth is too costly. Might not get that job, that girl, that connect, no network, and you wind up pushing your buggy with arm pox visible outside CVS, so take that truth business to Golden Gallon and pump it.

That's a joke, but anyone who really wants to play ball in this world ought to make themselves believe it. 


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