Why Build An Orgone Accumulator?

"The human body is a battery."


Orgones are the energy built and released by sex, so sayeth Wilhelm Reich. They're the ping pong balls fired by sex that sex magicians are always trying to capture and direct in their hedonism. While most think of those sorts as dingbat perverts, here's a secret--world leaders play around with it. They do. They don't talk about it on TV (and they damn sure won't TikTok it) but they do it. They must, for its symbology is found in most city architecture. Those people are driven and have a lot of success under their belts, and that's a great validation for the practice, and for orgones.

I can see how orgones may kill neurosis. When you are about to fuck, you can't think about anything else. You're just looking at the other person's body, touching, impetus driving you so hard you can't think about stupid shit at all. It's time to fuck. That's it. Then bang, all that shit comes out in a nut, and after you catch your breath, you glow, overtaken with awesome. It's easy to tackle your errands in such states, more commonly called good moods. In ritual, these are captured and directed with chant, geometry, intent, and other various esoteric accessories so they aren't wasted when the congressors return to mundane activities and trash thinking bids for an ego of its own. 

Well, what if you didn't have to set up hexagrams and fuck in them to grab orgones? What if you could accumulate them with a machine and meditate in them for daily use in an iron-lined adytum? Turn on the frequency video and do kundalini yoga, capture your prana outside yourself and transmute into these orgones. That would rock above straight yoga. It'd be like Coke vs. Meth, amp-wise. It may even burn away the negative thinking and transmute it into something useful, which usually takes years of practice. Fuck that, right? We like instant shit these days. We want our whatever RIGHT NOW, goddammit.

You can accumulate them through abstinence, but abstinence isn't always feasible, say, if you're married. You don't want your partner having an affair, so you can't go nine and ten days without fucking, and since you also can't jack off you get locked into aggravation and neurosis and act like a dick.

That's not from the burgeoning orgones per se, it's from resultant yen. Yen is a bitch beyond compulsion; words can't do it justice. It'll make you reptilian. Why? Because ten days is too damn long when you have a tough yen on. Addicts of all stripes, including workaholics, will tell you. If you circumvent those days by safely accumulating orgones in a machine you could fuck every night and never run out of orgones. You could fuck in the adytum with the machine on. Or! You may find yourself less driven by lust, and so on. When you need more, you just hit another 15 minute meditation. Light yoga, perhaps. Score for a robotic buzz.

Imagine what it could do for workouts. I think a lot. From this simple musing form many more poignant tentacles of consideration. I will try this one day. There are those who say it works. Uses your tachyon energy. Super plasma. We could fix the meth problem. Maybe. All theory at this moment, and I need to study more, but I dig the Vista. 


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