Raising Kundalini

"A person who wants to be an alchemist must have in himself the magnesia, which means the magnetic power to attract and coagulate invisible Astral elements."

--Dr. Franz Hartmann, Paracelsus

Here is how I access the inertia of the universe. 

You don't have to be special or superhuman to access the magnesia, or essential prana, the etheric zing. You don't have to be rich or well-established in the status quo, or any of the bullshit the Socialite Occultists would have you believe; you could be homeless and do this, I did. It won't make money for you, or make people flock to you, but it will make you more energetic, kind, and thoughtful, and you may find it easier to hustle or work,  and that you get kick ass ideas you didn't get before. Those positive psychological triangles can take you anywhere you want to go with a little effort. This effort will bring you along the road to creating your own magic. The only special thing you need to be able to do is to shut all the words off in your head and drop the ego for a few. If you can do that successfully for even one minute, you can practice the rest of this.

Stretch. Touch the toes. Lean into each leg. Sit down and grab your toes, pulling yourself forward with your toes as you stretch into the motion. Touch the left foot to right thigh and grab the right foot, pulling yourself down and forward. Repeat with the other leg. Try to hold each stretch for 10 seconds.

Sit cross-legged, back straight. Eyes closed, take 10 deep breaths, in through nose, out through mouth, allowing pressure to build at the back of the soft pallete. Concentrate on the point of light beginning to brighten behind the eyes. Sense the light, nice pressure easing up into the head. Keep breathing--by now past those 10 breaths, and breathing rhythmically. Continue to focus on the point of light. All thought should be ignored. Those will come, bubbling up from the subconscious, compelling you to do anything else. It takes time to liberate oneself from ego-concern with the practice, but it can be done. Later I'll discuss how to burn those thoughts out so they don't come back again, or at least lessen their frequency. For now, just ignore them. You can deal with all that crap in thirty minutes.

A buzzing begins in the feet. Sense the way the breath moves in through the nose and the buzzing energy is pulled up into the ankles from the arch. A spin like a wheel may begin in the arch, and a cooling energy felt in the sinuses, and tingles down the spine. There is a wash of calm. Buzzing, and a slight wobble begins in the crotch.

Breathe down into the belly. Inhale deeply through the nose, and hold for a 3 count. Make a tiny O with the mouth. Exhale through the O against the light pressure behind the soft pallete, employing the abdominal muscles. Tighten abdomen and inhale deeply, pulling up the abs as the lungs expand. Breathe down into it, again with the abs and establish rhythm. This will take practice. The inhaled oxygen fills the lungs as the diaphragm raises, and upon exhaling, the air hits against the tight diaphragm as if hitting a wall before flowing out into the extremities. Breathing this way is how one begins formulating their ether, or using the God-Force, the prana. You become one with what the old alchemists called the Hermetic Bellows.

Life force, orgones, jeevat, many names for the essence. Breath is life, and the oxygenation process has a spirit to it--condensing this spirit causes plasma to secrete from the spine, amrita from the pineal gland--and the invigorating energy is what is called God's Elixir, the golden aura, so many names. This is the distillation process described by so many sages over time. It's what the adrenachrome drinkers seek to access when they first panic and then blood a victim. Hyperventilating rhythmically quickens the process-- after two minutes of doing so the body feels like...it's hard to describe--the hand-held water games from the 80's where a button is pushed and plastic confetti flies up and whirls around in the water-- each exhale becomes like a push of that button. Think of the confetti as the orgones--pranic chroma, if you will. Stay at this level of practice for a time.

Once you've had some time to practice the breathing, raise the arms over the head and bring the hands back a bit until the shoulder blades feel almost flat against the back. Try to keep straight. Breathe slowly, focusing on the solar plexus--the place between the shoulder blades. The cold spin will begin. Hold this for about two minutes. Lower the arms slowly, relaxing completely. A pleasant buzz will travel down the s shoulders and arms, and a energy will burst out the back. Hold the head tight and breathe deeply. After 30 seconds or so of this, a swirl of energy will fly up from the crotch, spin around the spine, and explode in your head as a burst of intense ecstasy. Now you are in the kundalini. Stay there, and breathe rhythmically, returning to normal breathing. Focus again on the light in the darkness of chooses eyelids. By now, it will have become a static shimmer, and in that shimmer are the visions.

For me, these tend to be shapes. I have,  however, seen some incredibly wild images, lands of strange color, odd city-scapes, sharp pillars and ziggurats and moving mountains, gigantic feathered this that look much like the seraphs described by antiquity. The eye-tunnel. Angels and devils. Bits of history. And so much more.

In the shimmer, while breathing normally you may find the fire dying out. If you wish to keep it up, begin the yogic breath again, exahling through the mouth with pressure. That's how you employ the Bellows, and the fire will return.

All of this takes a lot of practice, but after a time of being bad at it, like anything else, I suddenly woke up feeling confident enough to put it into words for all of you. You may have a better experience than me, and master this within a shorter time. 

Once practiced, after having run through this process of physical stretch and motion, of specialized yogic breathing, opening the channels and understanding how to direct the breath, you will know how to make your endocrine glands work for you, and that's fantastic. It adds to health, both physical and mental.

Once this force is accessed and built, you can begin ritual. Or! If you are a Christian, this is the process described by St. Paul as "praying in the closet" and the beginning of saying a psalm as King David did. He called it "higgaion". Keep your thoughts on Christ as you do this if you like. And even if you're a Christian, you can ritual. The Rosy Cross and the Catholics do it, why should they have all the fun?

OK for now.


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