Explanation Of 4 Personal Hexagrams Using Today's Zodiac

Today's Relevant Correlates.

Here we have what the planets and the stars are doing right now. I have not included every triune, square, conjunct, etc.--the idea is to keep it simple. I culled these from Astro-Seek as I did my own correlates almost a year ago. Astro-Seek makes it very easy and will supply you with all the correlates and explanations you could possibly want. The following hexagrams--our archetypal macrocosms--are based on the above symbols. 

Neptune takes the place of Earth as Kingdom for our astral purposes. Neptune is a suitable dream pen for a variety of reasons, not the least of which are included in mythos. The trident is placed in the hexagon. Jupiter takes the top point and Pisces the low point, creating a line from Crown to Root. The top border triangles represent Libra and Virgo, Aries and Chiron border Pisces in the lower points--the health and healing of inspired dreams and the blessing and balance to work toward them. Direction: NW.

The Sun in the hexagon. We use the son and the father in the Sun and a similar principle later in the Moon for the mother and daughter. The son is a Scorpio and the father is, we'll say Aquarius. The Scorpio takes the crowning triangle, bordered by Mars and Venus which are also in Scorpio. The spirit sigil is in the lowest point, bordered by Saturn and Aquarius. The father is linked up with Saturn, father of the gods, and the black sun. Direction: NE.

Pluto in the hexagon. 5 at the topmost point, 0 in the lowest to represent the 50 gates of existence through which the maestro must pass. Uranus and Taurus in the top triangles, representing staunch purpose. In the lower triangles, Earth and Capricorn, perfection of fortune. Motivated by the goat and the bull, this one would make a strong brujo. Direction: SE.

The Moon in the hexagon. Leo in the top triangle as Ascendant, with 11 at the bottom as the numeral of magic. The son's mother today is a Cancer, which Lilith is in, and they take the low triangles while the initiate--with Gemini daughter energy--is represented in the top triangles by Mars and Gemini. Direction: SW.

Well. This has run pretty long. Can you see how I did this? The method in the madness? If so, you can make your own--a sum of your parts. I can't think of a better way to circle oneself.


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