Constellation of Zodiac Hexagrams

Hexagram As Explained Previously.

A further explanation of last week's post.

Can the Zodiac affect you? Good question. Most would argue that if such were true for one person, it must be true for everyone, and if that were the case this world would be a really bad place. Earth isn't, but people are, and they generally don't ask themselves why they are as long as they collect their paychecks. It's perfectly fine to be a sonofabitching bastard as long as you pay your way. The abusive parent never asks himself why he beats the brakes off his child as long as he's footing all the bills. It still happens. And worse happens. Ask them why, "I dunno, I just get mad."

Could it be etheric?

I was a bit that way. Then I lost everything. I hit the bricks and with little else to do but study weird shit and get high, I looked into the full explanation of my Zodiac and found I was living exactly as it said I would, all down to the losing everything and homelessness, even though I'd never read such a description. This isn't bullshit, it's what I found.

I scoffed like a Fox News Pundit. How the hell can a planet fuck with my life? That's the first question I asked. I felt like a goddamn idiot, too. As if a gas giant in the wrong constellation might push me to drugs. But there I was, and my dumb ass sideral birth chart said it in plain fucking English, so how? How can a wad of orbiting matter on the other side of the solar system have any effect on me?

Maybe ether?

Then I found out about hexagrams and the storm centers of Saturn. Guess what those are? Hexagrams. Or hexagonal, rather. Knowing something of correspondence I figured there must be something to this. There is such a thing as too much coincidence. Saturn is worshipped as God the Father, hexagrams are a symbol of the holy covenant, (along with the pentagram) and holy shit there's a weird new idea called quantum entanglement that works on correspondence, two matching balls, one spins above, one spins below, spinning opposite and acting on each other to manifest things. So what were all these symbologists doing? And would it work? They must have thought so. It must be ether.

Well, I can't go up into space and manually build a cosmic soul spinner in Jupiter's red eye, or Saturn's six-sided cap storm. I don't have money for iron sheeting or wood, so I can't build an honest orgone accumulator, and I don't know if I trust the ones people make. I understand how to use the Star Sapphire, but the standard elemental hexagrams don't really mean anything to my particular prices on Red Beans, so I decided to make my own. I explained some on this a few days ago but it needs more.

Prana, combined with the symbology, mixes with autosuggestion and meshes together, marrying in the melting pot of the mind. The ego consciousness is emptied and the married ingredients--your zodiac/planetary correlates in 4 hexagrams--seep into the soil of the subconscious, fertilizing the soul, which then formulates as a polished personality. Writing what you'd like to see happen for your individuation-- we're not taking about material things here, that's in the 3rd aspect, and should be considered in writing ONLY AFTER completing the process of individuation IF you want any sustain to your reward. Admittedly, I can't discuss the 3rd aspect until I can prove it works with material possessions, but any occultist will tell you getting material shit with magic is kind of easy, but if you're not ready for it, you're fucked. Why magic a car if you can't get your license? Or a girl if you're just going to cheat? I stay with aspect one, for now.

I have achieved individuation for the first time in my life, which is both sorry and awesome at once. Better late than never. I make no apologies and am not going to cry about my past to justify myself, though I could. I do believe I was born of strange stardust as cracked as it sounds, and therefore had to contain said dust in this ball of ether, represented by hexagrams under the principle of quantum entanglement. Lucky me, my Sun and Saturn are one, and it goes from there perfect like a motherboard when I line it up.

Strange Stardust=Ether.

I imagine it coming together in a gossamer ball of silver, like a flowing tapestry wadded up and solidified. As I do this, my heart thumps, and the energy burst from the back sparks my pineal to bust with the chroma. I imagine the lot flying up, the matter which penetrates all passing through wood and sky and magnetic field, sharing as it goes, and all the way to that six-sided cap storm of Saturn, and in that spin, connecting to what is known as The Great Attractor. A staff of prana spins in me from crown to root, and I don't have to imagine that at all, I can feel it. It makes me sway.

The flow is the same as any orgone pyramid, even the Great Pyramid of Giza, which I've read on. That's why it's shaped like that, it's a lotus. What I'm doing is little different from what Pythagoras taught. Or what the Tantrics teach. Or the Rosy Cross. In this, I improve. Not materially. Spiritually. That must come first for me, and maybe for you, if you're reading this. But I unfucked my thinking and my attitude and my reactions with this practice. I see improvement in my doings and the possibilities I aim toward. The goals.

Things don't bug me like they used to. I give a fuck about a snarky meme anymore. The Lobbyists on TV, fuck them too. They hate people like me and now I don't care. I used to. It used to keep me from getting to do anything but thanks to this, I've killed everything like that in my life. And if something comes up trying to live, you can bet I will burn it out with this.

Ether, see, is everywhere. As time goes by, I'll know more about these inner workings. The why and wherefore, aiming to put that into words for everyone. Perhaps with illustrated video. That's good for now. More to follow.

*never blame anything fully on your ether. It's up to you to fix that shit. Nothing I've said here is to blame my life on the Zodiac. I own my Will, and always have.*


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