The Quaternium of Oppression

This is based on...everything I've ever read about everything, be it truth or tale. I didn't come up with this myself. These titles exist, save True Marketer, which is my whole-cloth name for today's tyrants. Reading certain old books I figured were made-up I find later in life, prize-winning journalists writing about these sorts, maybe not under these names, but their DOINGS are the same. And in that my love for dystopian musings.

True Marketer

(esoteric)*autocrat who sells oppression to the proletarian through media manipulation and social experiments*

Skip Tracer

*one who can find, through tech or psychic ability, anyone on the planet*

Shadow Adept

(esoteric)*skilled in replacing unaware psyches with their own undetected*

Think Tank

*a group of elite minds who study the population and convene to brainstorm social experiments to aid the Marketers under the auspices of social and economic well-being*

Truth is stranger than fiction. But when the two meet and somehow make fact what you have is Manifest Destiny. With that in mind, let's have a look at some of the ways in which destiny is manifested for others by these, our updated Four Horsemen.

Read Dale Carnegie, a famous True Marketer, and understand that all entry level managers, even in fast food, are taught to gaslight their employees. I should know. I was one. Maybe you've been a manager, too. Did they teach you gaslighting? I bet they did. Maybe even had to sign something, eh? I've made a scribble or two for the corporate cock. It juts into the food industry, and all over. Oddly, that's all textbook phallic black magic presented by a man who called magic bullshit. Go figure. 

Shadow Adepts are organized gangstalkers (layman level) and/or remote viewers (occult level) can be trained to bypass a person's auric egg and move in on their gut reaction by either (layman) using subversive speech or (occult) moving certain chakra, like vishuddi. If they are particularly successful they may be hired to aid the think tanks in creating pop culture demographics and behavioral algorithms for the purposes of sales. This is not your average troll. These are engineers, paid to fuck with your thinking so you'll fit into an easily steered slot. Trolls, the loud overzealous, are just their waste product, same as human feces are made from the feces of the digestive bacteria. Who was one? LaVey, perhaps. And Scientology is full of them. 

Think Tanks exist to mitigate the difficulties of totalitarianism. They figure out what makes you tick, and how to manipulate your tock. You must be made to accept the varied agendas presented by the Marketers. There are those who desire to take everyone's need for bread and circuses and turn it into a cattle prod. The prods are made in these tanks. You must be made to manifest the Market--the tanks help you want to. What is one? The Bilderbergs, popularly.

Skip Tracers may be thought of as watchers and bounty hunters. They may be average, they may be psychic. You won't see them unless you're fucked. In this day and age, they're mostly Fact Checkers and Karens that found a way to make bread off their introversion. In cases of the extremely wealthy, they keep tabs and snitch if one goes off the rez, and the Shadow Adepts are sent to kill them. Implant suicidal thoughts. Who needs a Special Op? Just park outside the prison and get to metempsychosis. Have 'em hanging by the sheets in the brick dawn. Where are these? FBI? CIA? 

Are the 4 actually 1, like in Paracelsus?

No, of course not! This is all--

"If we can make magic mundane we can fuck people with it," said the Think Tank. "Especially if we use mysticism as an okie doke."

"Fucking STAMP THAT," said the True Marketer. "Have a smear campaign ready for Fox News in case we end up on Reddit. Whichever one of you finds screenwriters, we need six movies calling the idea of this stupid, and a SitCom to boot. Trace the writers' Facebooks first, for fuck sake. We don't want another Hunter Thompson gaining steam. If one goes rogue, have the Adepts sic 'em like they did poor Tony. I'll forever miss the crostini! Now get to work."

Is it schiz...?

Or can you wiki the lot?



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