Another Word On Dope From A Professional Ex-Junky

It never seems to occur to any square that it isn't the dope causing violence, but the person using it as an out once they're in trouble because they're a fucking coward. Even cops will tell you that there are a vast variety of addicts whose only real crime is possessing an illegal substance. They moderate and go to work and you'd never fucking know they were hooked. I did every kind of dope there is for 25 years. Never smoked any weed that made me hallucinate or chase a reporter and this is everything from stringy bammer to 6ft dab rigs and I had freezerfuls of every fucking strain you could think of for sale--never hallucinated. Never not even once. Didn't stare at the wall aside from Shambavi, which is a yogic practice. Didn't think my dog was Jesus. Didn't chew anyone's face off. Did IV H and Ice for years and did hallucinate if I was up for some days yet STILL never killed a friend or family member and I for damn sure didn't push toddlers and old ladies on to train tracks, etc. Did coke and drank like a fucking fish--this one DID make me a bit of a prick but I STILL didn't beat my ex or family members. I lost one job over IV dope and got locked up for selling-- which I do regret but the only person who got hurt in that deal was me. Sadly, it was Waffle House, and I loved that job, admittedly would still be there if not for my dumb ass railing ice in the bathroom. But I didn't kill people. I didn't attack people. Fights sure, but with other heads, not civilians. So I don't want to fucking hear it. It ain't the drug, it's the dude. Every single fucking time. Or maybe I'm special. I could be. I don't even hallucinate off a ten-strip or a quarter of shrooms so...go figure. At any rate, I hadn't blogged for a while so...fuck it. Part of me wants to know where this Magic Brain Rip dope is at. I feel cheated. If I said some shit like this already, oh well. Read it again. You're probably high anyway. You'll forget in ten minutes. Lucky fucker. I still haven't found that dope either.


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