A Few Root and Heart Energy Caveats

From my own limited experience...

Root seems to buzz from the feet and fire up the back in waves of Prana, igniting all it passes by. Etheric waste can be directed into the earth this way through meditation. This practice is best done alone. Root--is like going to the bathroom. It is also the place where rubato--the red curse energy--lives. But I'm not discussing that here--anyone who wants to know more about the red may look up anything they can on the root chakra and find what they need. But jumping into it ignites the spine and solar plexus. That heat and electric fire will make a person...driven, I'll call it. 

It is linked to digestion. Maybe that's why being regular is so important. Weak, clogged root energy is sluggish, dour, and is easily translated into spite and melancholy. It is also linked to the balls in a man--this may be what makes seminal containment both a difficult and important occult practice when consecrating or casting et al. The buildup of root energy when done by someone who is unaccustomed to it--or just found it what it is-- isn't always advisable. It can drive one to throw curses like baseballs and facetious curses always wind up bonking the caster in the skull, even when they hit the target. It's that jumpy, zinging root energy that makes folks insane. When that stuff hits the other chakra--look out. Especially the solar. 

That'll make you hot and if you're not ready for that, forget about it. It's almost like goddamn shrooms or ice when you're not ready for those. 

In this case, heart isn't the meat heart. More that no one lives without a strong love. It may be a love of death as in the manic depressive and necropheliac (which is not limited to congress with corpses) or it may be a love of self that manifests either as love of power or work, or love of ease; it is nonetheless there. And it is strong. Without it there is nothing. Even in the Nihilist there is an inflated love of self going on be it extroverted or otherwise. And as a lover energy the heart's inner play always becomes display. It comes out. It shows itself despite your best efforts the same as scat must come out like as not in worst case gut malfunctions. That's why incels wind up looking through open windows sooner or later.

Heart practices can take a person by surprise. Upon first opening it can panic a person and swing them to and fro like an oscillating fan. Especially when it turns inward and shows you everything wrong you've done to everyone else. And it does. That can really suck because it tries to revamp your actions and all the bad shit jerks sideways in homeostasis--tries to regress you. It's good to write when that happens to avoid being thrown too far off by it and get a grasp on how to survey your mental landscape. If you know what it is and what it looks like it becomes a workable space.

If you've ever been shocked to find out you cared about something, amplify that by 100 and that'll give an idea of what this energy feels like when it pops abruptly. And if a narcissistic will takes over the incendiary energy it can make one an asshole if one cannot access a balanced root to remind them that assholes don't live very long. Guilt, for instance, will try to balance anger to stop you from acting out in a rage so you don't wind up in a life or death situation. And the word-thought resultant is like brain plague. That will scramble the unaware person and make them feel futile in the end. 

It will fuck you up if you're not careful. 

But if you take all heart energy and root it into the earth for a while it will eventually slide into a conscious care for nature and humanity and the other chakra become exceedingly evident. The 3rd eye will push you to study. The solar will push you to do things, etc. How extreme you need to be in your practice is relative to how much inner maintenance is needed. Do you need a tune up or an overhaul?  The more extreme, the more ascetic it ought to be. There is a segue from unconsciousness to consciousness and from there becoming conscientious that can take a great deal of time and requires that the other chakra become balanced--it is like an earthquake and can be anything from annoying to deadly. Better to be alone when the tectonic plates shift against the ego's favor...and they must. More than will. They must. 

Now isn't the time to go into that. It would take too many words and I don't feel fully qualified to do it...yet. More experience is needed. 


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