Angels and Devils and Shadows, Oh My--It's All You, Bubba

First it must be said, YOU ARE NOT THE ALL MIND. Ergo you can never be a god. The next time you think you are a god go slam your head into a tree and see how that goes for you. 


Over the eons many occultists have made devi beings, that is to say, split off a piece of their higher self and put it into an idol which they then worship, give power, and sell to others. After a little worship and dedication (Bhakti) this devi will manifest the occultist's will, he shows that manifest to others, and the next thing you know--boom. He has made a god for whom he is a priest and after a while gathers a congregation of faithful...they build a temple. This temple entices others and after a while this becomes religion. Scrolls and tomes and tablets are scratched out and passed down through the ages, deemed wise, and at the end of many millennia evolve into demographics known as Faiths. 

The Christian Faith.

The Satanic Faith.

Every faith in between. 

What the caster calls when he either invokes or evokes a being is an archetypal energy. It has neither horns nor a halo. They look like mist at first and then the brain starts projecting all sort of images we call hallucinations, which are ego based, so we can decide what the fuck we're looking at.* But the vibrations themselves are the universal quintessence, they don't have a body--they exist in every state at once.

All doing energy is Warrior.

All blessing energy is King.

All appreciation energy is Lover.

All knowing energy is Magus.

The agreement of all four within the Self is called Quintessence. Study Jungian Analysis for more understanding of the 4 in 1. In the occult, this is the Lion. All 5 are in you right now whether you know it or not. 

Quick Explanation: Say a particle wants to join with another particle. The Want is Lover and King. It then attaches to the particle through a knowing of where to latch and the energy to move forward, engage, and then latch. Warrior and Magus. Now apply that to EVERYTHING and even the NOTHING and al the minutiae in between and there you have it. It's really just that simple. How the archetypal energies fuck with your psyche is not simple, but how to see evidence of them everywhere and thus realize them as factual, then begin applying that to your own psychical processes begins with this ken.

NOTE: Be careful with that Lover and King effecting Want. Be careful what you bless and appreciate, for that is what breeds Want. When the other two archetypes get involved, Want becomes Will.

The idea is that we are all born "knowing" everything there is to know. What I think that means is that the brain is so complex that whether we are aware of this or not the brain "knows" every possible way to correlate data into an experience. Not as in "A baby can write the Bible" but as in "The ability to correlate all electrical impulses and stimuli into a visual, tangible experience exists in the brain at birth." And it does. You can see your parents. You can feel pain. You can taste food. You know when you need to excrete waste, and when you're hungry. You can see other people, places, and things. You can't label them yet, but you know what they are and whether they can hurt you or not and ways to react to avoid hurt or invite love. Your brain is capable of evaluating all happenstance into a sensible experience from which you can then draw right away. Or--learn from your mistakes. 

The name vibrations call exactly that to you--an archetypal energy vibration--and when it touches you it can show you all kinds of things and have every manner of fun with you. It unlocks knowing centers in your brain whether you knew they were there or not. Watch. Say you are calling an angel who represents the creative drive and is able to block bullshit from happening to you. He is a fire energy. He is also an angel. Does this mean you have to become a fundamentalist Christian to invoke or evoke the being? No. Absolutely not. Purely demonic serial killer fucks can if they please call and angel with certain systems. Angelic occultists can palaver with demons and not become upset and vice versa. This shit about dark magus becoming incensed in the presence of the light is slanderous libel based on too many brats who think they are demigods using the occult and being unable to admit it's their fault and no other, then acting out with varying degrees of pathological narcissism.**

The Being you call will use the attractive side of your ego (light or dark) to transmute the energy in such a way concomitant to itself and there is every chance that you, as a demonic (or angelic) one, are going to feel a giant poke in the narcissism that will manifest as guilt (or fear) and cause you a depression. There is also every chance that your shadow will separate from you with the help of this Being and inspire those around you to hit you with a bunch of what we used to call "tough love". On the flip side of this coin, if you are calling devils in a house full of Christians, there is every chance your shadow ego doesn't like these Christians and will then detach from you using the demonic energies and go make the people around you sick and mean. This can happen, it's nothing to hardy-har at. It gets blamed on the Being but it isn't their fault--they are just energy. It's the caster's fault. But he usually can't admit that because goddammit he doesn't make mistakes. Either that or the magic isn't real.


Hum on your arm. Feel that? That's called a vibration. It simply does what it does. The effect it has on you has to do with your own ego-based evaluations. 

"But what about Satan being evil aside from man? Or God being good aside from man? Or calling specific angels/demons outside of man and they all just do what they do? And there's a all these books talking about calling these beings who are Jupiter beings or Caput beings and--"

That shit's all word salad tossed on the page to sell fancy-looking books. That's what I think about that. For everything I've done with the occult I am here to tell you that 90% of what you read in those books is a pile of steaming horseshit. The closest they get is to say, "Well, if something happens to the magus, he must have wanted it," but their explanations as to why are fucking gumbo. What those books are good for is understanding the varied systems and definitions so you can make your own and formulate a personal practice that will actually work instead of trying a bunch of shit from a book that may have worked well enough for the WRITER but isn't going to do jack or shit for YOU except backfire.  

These vibrations latch to your ego and the shit in your ego that you don't know is there will jump up to make itself known and either work for you or against you. The quicker you realize it's all you, the quicker you can get a handle on it and make the necessary ego shifts to gain further understanding...or in a fancy way, re program your evaluator. 

It's not really Then vs. Now. It's more like Type 1 and 2.

You want to use this stuff to build your inner integrity. After becoming steeped in practice through TIME and DOING, not READING, you may be able to heal and call the archetypal energies into agreement for another person. First you must do it for yourself. The ego and evaluator must be fixed though the diver's methods--meditation, study, journal. Like a psychic scuba diver.

Anything else will fuck you up. 

Stop using it to get free treats and make things that can't use something separate from you do shit for you like they are. That demon isn't your homie who exists just to bring you tacos, dig? It's your shadow given life and if you don't think that bastard can split from you and punch you in the face, you haven't fucked with the occult enough. You want him in agreement with you before the split. Then, he'll work on the ether for you.***

If you build your inner integrity eventually the changes within you will make you capable enough to get your own damn treats. The savvy of this is the start of fixing the ego.

Once you are able to fix all of this you can put all this understanding into a file called "OLD SAVVY" and walk out of the Maya into...something a little weirder I don't have the right words to express at this time. ****

Later. As I figure out more. Last thing: I want to say this isn't what they're calling "gatekeeping". Do whatever the bloody fuck you want. If you want to be a dumb ass, be one. I'd like to help folks be a little less dumb ass in my quest to be a little less dumb ass and anyone who thinks it's gatekeeping...well...I guess they shall not pass, eh? It's like, "Hey, that's Mercury Fulminate. Don't drop that shit."

"WAH, you gatekeeper!" {drops fulminate}



Good for now. Have a great day.

The Archetypal Trickster Magus Energy Manifest. 
He's the asshole who drops the Fulminate for you.
He's also fucking hilarious.
Ain't it a bitch?


* I guarantee you went to church and watched Disney before you ever laid hands on an occult book so all those halos and horns and feathers and fire forks may very well be coming from your subconscious and and not from Heaven or Hell. 


That's pathological narcissism. You don't have to be Ted Bundy or Hunter Biden to have a disordered pathology. You just have to think the above sentence like a mantra and mean it at all times--it's a philosophy. You can be a burger flipper or a necrophile or a politician, the root rule is the same. That SQUASH can mean anything from murder to gossip; both are equally destructive. What have fists and rumors done to you over the years? Think about it.

*** He She It They Them--whichever pronoun you like, apply. I promise it's only the personal ego and not the Quintessential Being who cares about that shit. They can appear with whatever colors and appendages you like.

****As I said a while back, I have been through, in meditation, a thing I and others I've talked to call the Eye Tunnel (perhaps this is the Akash?) and saw what the Bible calls a Seraphim. It looked exactly like the Bible says. Later, I came upon a painting of one by a man named Johann from the 1400's and what I saw looked exactly like his painting. Others have a similar experience. What are those? Not coming to the triangle in your circle, that's what they are, though the experience will add convolutions to your evaluator. I know I read the Bible before I saw the thing. I also guarantee the painter read the Bible first as well. Thus it must remain inconclusive as to whether I was seeing a SOLID BEING from ANOTHER REALM as opposed to a similar hallucination bred of the collective unconscious. 

But yet I still give praise unto the Universal Mind under its name which I was born, the 28th being Seheiah. And I'm no Christian. But it works to build my inner integrities and even makes some cool stuff I want to happen come down the pike. I kinda have to believe in it all this aside. Ain't it a bitch?

Try explaining that shit. Best I can--for all practical purposes, the above follows. If you could honestly bring a being here you would get something like what can be read in the book of Nehemiah, and I've still yet to see that, and so have you, though many try every day to reproduce the Solomonic experience.

Happy Caiming, kids.


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