Gavin Newsom: Mr. Modernity

The Face of Modernity...whatever that is.

I said I was going to talk the Democrats this time. No, I’m not doing AOC, not today. Instead, I had a look at Newsom on Hannity and wound up with three thousand words of garble that left me confused as to what to say about the politician. The whole piece turned into a Hannity trash because fuck Hannity. However, that’s not what I set out to do, so the piece steeped in its own juices for a while, mostly because I figured “Hell, Newsom ain’t that relevant,” dumbly I might add. Now that he's responding to the pressure with at the very least a debate against the Floridian Swine DeSantis, I daresay our glistening buddy in his various garbs of cornflower blue is going to rear his manicured head for us all to watch on the campaign trail this year despite his assurance to the contrary. Maybe he thinks he can wedge Harris out of the VP slot...long odds, long indeed. His stated intent is wholly otherwise, but that's what I'd do if I were him. Either that or join Kennedy.    

As with all things, we will see. Before seeing, we mind a bit. If only a bit.

Newsom reminds me of Bill Clinton. Not in a philanderer way. Bill was called Slick Willie for any number of reasons, not all of which had to do with Monica Lewinsky. He was a slippery fuck, and I can see Newsom glistening with the same snake oil. One of the biggest criticisms he faces from the Reds is about California’s Sanctuary Laws. As we all know, the Reds don’t like Sanctuary because it helps people who Republicans don’t believe deserve to live {in America…so they say…} have a shot at survival in this our supposedly Utopian Terra.

“I know no one on the right can stand sanctuary policy,” Newsom says.

Hannity asks, “By characterizing the state as Sanctuary, aren’t you thereby violating federal law?”

Newsom switches and says he’s happy to get rid of [those protections if we] can come together and modernize. He wants comprehensive reform. I’m not sure what he means by modernize and he isn’t explaining. What would that require? More gentrification? Maybe something like we’d see in the Black Mirror*? I’d like to know. Maybe I’ll find out in the upcoming debate with Dion. It’ll be interesting to see how he makes what sounds and looks very much like self-contradiction work for the Blues. I’m sure they have a scheme. At any rate, he’s not telling what it is. Check his wrists for something dicey.

Let’s not forget his elitist behavior during COVID. Out and about while many in his state were—well, were they locked down? They may have been. Reno did have a couple of casinos close, most notably Circus Circus, which was still closed during my 5th Street adventure. Judging by that I’ll go ahead and ante up with the idea that at least bits of NV, NY and CA (I didn't see it in TX) locked down, and if he was out and about during that, which he was, and didn’t have to wear a fucking mask—which we all did, I know that one’s true—that’s a very cunty thing to do. I daresay it gives one’s whole game away.

(Alternate Universe Newsome, the opiods taking a dark turn mid-interview) “Fuck you, I’m ME! I have POWER!”



Of course, the political eagle soars that way. Pols stuff the girthy prick of fait accompli, its turgid balls boiling with the scalding nut of agenda, down our throats, and we have no choice but to give it suck and swallow. There is a way to spit it out. It starts with giving a damn.

Newsom has been taken to task by the right over his lack of effectiveness on fixing the issues of crime and homelessness. The Reds prefer mentioning that Walgreen’s and some other businesses left due to smash and grab crime. Ten years ago, Newsom laid out a ten-year program for fixing both issues, and ten years later all this shit is going on. Worse? I don’t know. From what I’ve seen, people everywhere have always been criminals and there’s never been any shortage of homeless people anywhere I’ve lived from 2004 up to now. But I don’t know everything. Newsom says that CA homelessness is down 33%* from what it was back then. How to make it less? These days, he wants to give them homes, which sounds super atavistic on starry-eyed TV.

As one who has lived in the deepest pits of the hobo jungles, I’m not sure how giving homes to the homeless is going to work out, the just giving of it. The program will need to be intense. Newsom has an idea to do the same thing with the prison system, reform through, essentially, social programming*. The mentally ill, homeless, junkies, ex-cons et al probably need a bit of soft social programming or the places Newsom gives them are going to be trashed within about a month. I hate to say it, it makes me sound like a Red dickbag, but damn, man, it’s the truth. When you’re out there, you don’t give a fuck. And I’m not talking about rapper-fake don’t give a fuck, it’s an apathy you can’t describe with words. You can only live it or see it. And it carries itself on your back for a long time after you leave the street.

So, the hopeful hobos will need a wee bit of soft social programming. Incentivize them by showing them the difference in feeling between the two reward systems we can define as Longview vs This Very Second. But that’s a piece for another time. At the end of the day something has to be done, I don’t want to see Stalin shit happening in America.

Homeless? Stand right there. BANG! Okay, next…

He's talking to Jen Psaki about gun control…fuckin’ Jen Psaki…she oozes liberalism in a strange way I’ve never seen before. I think Machiavelli would’ve dated her. 

Here, in her natural habitat, the Cougar prepares to strike...

Newsom seems to be very passionate about his loathing for assault weapons. He makes a solid case for banning them, which isn’t hard to do if you have a soul. However, it would take 30 years to accomplish and thus makes the point almost moot. Almost because they may yet try to do it. They will fail if they try for there are a few million gang members who disagree with laws like that, and if the cops—or the army—decide to muscle the gang’s guns away, it’s going to be war. The question is then; should we take that chance? It’s a hard question. If you say yes, you’re inviting guerilla warfare on a massive, countrywide scale. If you say no, you look like a bloodthirsty gunslinger. But street guns are so integrated into the soul of America that digging them out can bring nothing short of blood-drenched discord. It is ugly, very ugly, and the way to proceed is not as cut and dried as either side would have the public believe. I think they’d need something like a hundred-year gang outreach program—they’ll have to softly cajole the gangsters, over generations, into giving up those guns. The likelihood of that is nil.

When Newsom discusses abortion, I balk a bit. I have nothing to say about that issue other than I am pro-choice not just on it but on all things that are personal, thus the means should be available. I have news for the Pro-Life people: there are many alive in the world today who don’t care about your morals and while I’m not one of those people, I know they exist. What do you plan to do with them, pretend they’re not there? Have them all jailed? What’s your brilliance? I’d like to know. Is it education on why “sex is bad, m’kay”? They tried presenting that attitude in the Reagan era to counterbalance the twenty years of free love and, like with so many other things, that’s how the issue festered into today’s current debacle. Here’s the hard-hitting reality, which doesn’t give a rat’s ass about ANYONE’S MORALS: People are going to fuck. Whether that’s right to do or not. Whether it’s harmful or not. See where this is headed? That’s where I stand on the issue. This is not cynical, it’s real. I’m sticking with the Blues on this one, abortion should be legal. You stop that…bubba…you think the welfare state is bad now? It’s not terrible to say and I'm not shitting on welfare recipients, it’s just true. Enough mincing words and pretending like reality is not real in all the cases where the reality doesn't suit your wishing...or your God.  

"I didn't vote for Ronald Reagan."

While standing tall before the throne and listening to the aquatic aria of my stream I thought: “If they (all leadership globally) could, they’d micromanage your piss. Politely, of course. A camera in the corner of the bathroom that feeds back to government intranet...I’m watched and logged by a worker who feeds my data into a computer. If my habits don’t match the computer’s idea of good habits, I’d be required (under penalty of law, probably in the form of an expensive albeit misdemeanor ticket) to report to a doctor for health re-education. Eat beets, that sort of thing. And the cameras would watch to make sure I ate my beets. If I have a health problem, after all, I’m not a very good factory employee, am I? I could see it. And! If I don’t eat my beets, more than not being allowed any pudding, I get a 30 day stay in a re-education center where I am tazed until I understand better.

Ye gods, the horror…I hope it never gets that bad.

My gut tells me this guy would be down with that. We’ll see.

When Psaki asks him what lengths the Reds might go to regarding their Pro-Life stance he says, “They’re doing menstrual inspection bills, genital inspection bills have been introduced by Republicans across this country.” Holy shit, Is that true? If it isn’t, he’s guilty of behaving like Fox News. If it is…holy shit. Notes taken. I do recall all Democrats being taken to task by the right-wing as “woke” for the whole gender reassignment thing and how that turned out to be horseshit, though I agree that Biden certainly didn’t help that by giving people a legal choice to do it (like he should have, hey, that’s what “free country” means—freedom to do, but not impose upon others—anything legal), which of course means they’re coming for your children…I don’t think I’ve seen anyone from the Biden Administration running around collecting kids yet. If I do, I’ll let you know. Also—I have yet to hear tell of any woman being pulled over by the Feds for crossing state lines with a loaded womb. If I do, I’ll let you know. Barring that, I’d only believe it's this hideous when the riots begin. People should go apeshit over things like that. Not that I approve of such behavior, I’ve said I don’t….

Another hint at Red Hypocrisy in the form of Green Energy: Newsome claims Republican states are the biggest beneficiaries of green energy’s contribution to infrastructure. Man, if that’s true, that says some shit about Fox News and many Republicans. I want to go off about it for about 10k words, but not today. In a nutshell what does it say? It says that Republicans are so fucking shill to big oil and big war that they don’t even give a fuck if they themselves benefit from a new thing. I've never heard that statistic on Fox News. AS far as they--the Red Voice--are concerned, Green Energy is SATAN INCARNATE. So, I suppose you wouldn’t. I'll have to research this claim against the Reds another time, Newsom could be full of shit...we'll see.

Okay. Let's get this in sum. No, I don’t trust the fucker. But I do think he’s going to trash DeSantis in November, no matter how hard Hannity tries to wedge the debate in Dion’s favor, which he will. And the end result will be the same. If you are Red, you’ll favor Dion. If you’re Blue, you’ll favor Newsom. For me, I’ll favor whoever sounds the least like a fucking tyrant, and since Dion’s a book burner, it looks better for Newsom. But he's still Swine. I see it on him. He reminds me of Jung's Modern Man--always on the precipice of something great while the chaos swirls around him, and him oblivious to it. He wonders why DeSantis, a presidential hopeful, would bother to debate with a guy who isn't even running. Well, they're trying to wedge you into being the face of the Democrats. And why would they make you the face of the Democrats, Gavin? Well, they intend to fuck you in it. And they think you'll be an easy lay. 

*record scratch*

Here he is on FOX 11 (Los Angeles) saying quite blatantly that it will, indeed, be a Red face fucked that night and not a Blue one. This guy is no easy lay. I can tell that by everything I've seen of him. Hannity tried to fuck him. It didn't work. Now, he's bringing his homeboy to the table in's all getting very gangster...but politics always is.

We will see. SOON. And that's good for now. Detroit is squaring off against Green Bay. The bookies are thinking this will be a very close game, with Detroit favored by a tight 2.5...I expect to see a battle.  

More links!

Hannity v Newsom

Psaki v Newsom

Newsom on The Problem with John Stewart

The REAL face of Modernity. Looks so sweet and innocent.
Expect to see it again in the future here.

 *A dystopian Netflix Show, in case you didn't know.

*I imagine some wit will accuse him of Free Masonry for this.

*For anyone who reads that and thinks me a fascist—let me tell you something you only know about criminals if you’re a cop or an ex-con—the criminal never has, he never will, nor does he give a quarter tin shit to know how to care about the social order you so desperately need to live. Get that? They don’t know how to. And the days where criminals are left to their own devices or can hedge their bets against law enforcement are coming to a swift end. The same goes for the homeless as most are criminals, and that’s the way it is. I don’t want to see them Stalin’d (unless they’re pedophiles), so…yes. Soft program. The day is likely to come where it’ll be:

A Soft Program.

Neuralink Imposed upon the offender. It’s coming. Make no mistake. That thing is on its way.

Imprisonment/Encampment/Fertilizer Program (and you thought SHU was bad).

“That sounds like Sci-Fi!”

Yeah. So does every fucking thing else that’s happening today. Get used to it. I'm not advocating. I'm saying it's like that and there's no other way it's going to be unless--

And we can't discuss "unless", can we?


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