World Gone Gonzo


When the Going Gets Weird...

Wearing the Wingnut Mask…Bullet Points of Revelation from the 80’s…It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Gonzo…Daytripping into Morals…Bullshit and Bulltrue Are Strange Bedfellows…

This is one of those pieces that can get your balls kicked into your teeth. I’d almost rather write about Trump, not that he didn’t worm his way into this one for a cameo…I’m not sure which would be more dangerous to me—friends already teeter on the brink of fucking me off, and I can’t say I blame them…but I press on with frenzied typing as I promised myself I would if things ever got ugly in the way they currently are.

By now everyone knows that there’s a war with Hamas in Israel. And war in Ukraine with Russia, we all know that too. I’m not going to bore you or myself with the details. This is about something else. When I was a child, I was made to go to the First Free Church of Rockford, IL, and back in 1987 they talked a whole lot about the End of Days. There were a lot of evangelists in the popular culture back then, you may recall. John Hagee was one. Swaggert, the Bakkers. Billy Graham…they were everywhere. And they loved talking about the Revelation.

I always figured they did that because the Revelation is a fucking scary book. I can’t think of another book of the Bible that would—or has—compelled more people to accept Christ as their Savior—


[This is the part where I remind you that I’m not trying to compel you to do that. Do whatever you want.]

—for we know fear is the ultimate gaslight. So, it follows the fanatics would relate all sorts of world events to Revelation and use the plentitude of scary shit in that book to terrify the populus into accepting Jesus Christ. Especially with the tantalizing story of the rapture thrown in. “Join us, avoid the flames!” Not just Hell, but the nukes. That last has been the biggest part of the allure since at least 1960. Because those nukes are said to be the fire breath of the Angel—Lucifer—Amon I presume.

And the preachers were good at it. Eighties church leaders rattled off the same few bullet-points so often that people never stopped discussing them, I recall some church leaders in the south as late as 2015 talking about them, and also…who was it…Hagee wrote some things about this in his book The Beginning of the End (1998). He’s still making videos on the subject of the End Times today. The videos are hard to watch if you’re a thinking person. All of this is hard to swallow if you’re a thinking person. I suppose that’s why I woke up so pissed off.

(I looked up Hagee. Seems he’s never stopped writing or talking about Jerusalem and the End of Days. I expect he’ll rear his puffed-up head on the campaign trail because he thinks Trump is God’s Man, was very pleased with Trump’s moving the embassy, last year thumbing his nose at the idea a war in Israel could start on account of it…so it goes, so it does.)

Almost looks the same as it did 36 years ago.

It makes all of life seem arbitrary and fated, doesn’t it? I’m not going into that on a Sunday, though. Such talk fucks with the Great Magnet. Without further ado, the bullet points were/are:

Mark of the Beast: A chip in the head that controls everything you do. As memory serves, they said head or hand almost as if they were reaching to be correct…it may start with the hand but will eventually wind up in the brain. You either get it or you’re executed was their solemn prophecy, and while that hasn’t come to pass yet, we do indeed have a Neuralink on the way. Tests are not going well, but as we all know, these fuckers always get their tech right in the end. Never, ever write them off. When you do, look at your cell phone. I also recall something about X’s…but these are the same people who said the VISA card meant 666…

The Space Race: We’re not allowed up there, and our being up there will piss off God, who will then punish us for penetrating the heavens with our steely, rocket propelled cocks of Satan (they didn’t say this, of course, I added that flavor because its suits the gist of their verbose argument), and that is verboten, thus we are to be judged.

What’s funny about that is Jack Parsons, a notorious occultist, pioneered a lot of rocket tech…which leads us to—

The New Religion: Lucifer. For obvious reasons. Lump Satanism and all forms of the Occult in with it. Indeed, we see that gaining popularity, for good or ill. I myself have toed those waters. But I’ve never liked cults of any kind and I don’t care which side of the coin they’re on—yet Luciferianism is becoming prominent, and that is what they said. If we’re going to view this scientifically, we look at how things are, not how we wish they were or what suits us.*

World War Three with Russia and China: It starts with their alliance. The Great Bear of the North and the Asian Dragon. They will clash with the Eagle (USA, UK, NATO) and next—

*massive floor tom attack with drum mallet*

Attack on the Holy Land by Satan’s People: And now we have the Hamas attacks, and the War in Israel has, as of today, officially begun.*

Satan, or just Assholes?

And all I can think is “Goddammit, really? Dude…don’t make the Bible Thumpers right. Fucksake. And the funny thing is Revelation says some of us are going to think a very similar thing. We will see it and not want to believe it. Some will refuse to believe it, the stiffnecked as they are called. The others of it, like me, will not want to believe it but feel fucking stuck with it because once you start seeing signs, you can’t unsee them*. Then there are the passive aggressive hoi-polloi who really don’t care one way or the other but will passively agree with whoever they’re talking to at the time whether it contradicts something they said yesterday to another person—you ever notice how most people are like that with this sort of thing? I don’t blame them. Gotta get along, right?

Well, no, not me. I will say the same thing to everyone who will listen. I see the weirdness of this, the complete worldwide gonzo of it, and as much as I really fucking don’t like religious zealots, it does indeed seem that they hit the fucking Revelatory nail on the head. It appears grim. To cut what is beginning to sound a bit like a sandwich board slogan, I’ll say this—I’m not going to compel anyone to anything and am smart enough to know its best to let events play out a wee bit before one goes apeshit over a situation. Apeshit is only valid when there's no other choice.

I can’t, nor would, make up anyone’s mind, heart, or soul for them. My system goes like this: What I hear, I remember, things get filed—if I see evidence to the contrary of what I thought before (i.e., my old opinion that anything even remotely related to Christianity is Default Invalid) I will acknowledge what's been seen even in spite of myself. This is a somewhat new sadhana, but it's there...and holding. 

As lame as this sounds, nope, I can't shake it. The 80s Bible Thumpers are starting to look correct about certain things, so be it. I have a faith that the Divine (whatever it or the many ITS it is) and I are cool, and that’s the best a person can expect—all that seems to be required of me is that I try not to be a fucking asshole to undeserving people and that doesn’t bother me at all (it really fucks some folks up though, doesn’t it, telling them not to be assholes). It wants nothing more in trade from me than that. Even though I see it, it doesn’t mean I have to run and join the 7th Day Adventists…see what I’m driving at?

"Be Not...Nah, I Changed My Mind. Y'all Are Fucked."

None of these things are fun or self-righteous realizations. Especially If I’m WRONG. What if the Bible Thumpers are completely right and I should go join the Mormons or someone? It wouldn’t matter. Because I’ve learned the deeper things of Satan, which is to say, I’ve fucked with Dark Magic Shit. So, it doesn’t behoove me to believe in this. It behooves me more to disbelieve. And yet I see it and am telling you.

Maybe there's a bit of an out, a more reasonable thinking. I have had some strange waking dreams in meditation, and I’ve had my share of mushrooms. I also know that those drugs are and have always been available in some form or fashion to all cultures everywhere on Earth. It’s perfectly feasible that an old guru ate some mushrooms or chewed some khat or kratom and had visions of the End Days. After having visions like that, you’d look for a place to blame and a place to put a stop to the events, i.e., “follow this dogma or die in the big fire” and all the forms that didactic can take and then write all that shit down and try to hash it out, wouldn't you? 

Any fool knows that from primitive cultures came primitive rule/moral based religions. These evolved over time. From the Many Gods one God, Satan, Shiva, Allah, et al, E. Pluribus Houyhgnhm, the moral ethic created on account of these visions is rife with human ego since ego is what translates visions into writing, it has to. We have St. Paul telling us that if we don’t cut our hair, we’ll burn in Hell. That's his ego, not God. I’ll never believe that sort of bullshit. Same with Hagee's Chessmaster God. But that doesn’t mean some quixotic daytripper of old didn’t have accurate visions of events to come. It is also not to say that, after these writings were discovered, human scholars didn’t figure they could mitigate The Divine Plan by planning for it and bringing it about willfully usig said plan. Which is pathologically funny. All hubris is.

 If you want to have a look at Hagee, here he is. I suggest you come with a salt lick handy. I had hell watching it, for reasons. 

Though I'm done with this subject for now, my eye will be on it. If I get up the nut like a good writer would, I'll delve into this deeper perplexed, I'm sure. It's like swimming upstream on the Zealot River. And people will continue to die for bullshit reasons across the globe no matter what I do. Catharsis...O horror...the horror...and moral static. Fade to Black.



Cow Enjoys Salt Lick Before Hamburger Fate. Film at 11.

*Personally, I always viewed the Revelation as a 2000-year (or so) process and further viewed the “New Religion” as Christianity, for Christianity more than any other religion saving Islam (and yes it is, don't feed it to me, I've read the bloody Koran) is all about the Divine Retribution, and to me, that’s tyranny at its finest. Thusly I’m not going to call anyone stupid or say they’re goin ta Hades! if they disagree with these words. Do I myself agree? I’m seeing all this war shit go down, memories of the crap-crap 80’s churches spewed woke me up at 3am, the subconscious upchuck-become-thought drivel compelled me to write this when I didn’t want to, but I’m not going to start running around the streets with my dick on fire ringing a bell and screaming about the end times. Moreover, I’m not going to join the Church or cleave to a cult or anything like that—as I’ve always maintained in the face of today’s evident cultural contrary—you can like or agree with something without wanting to suck its dick and wear its face. In other words, fanaticism is not necessary. Also—later in life I found that the “Great Bear” is Ursa Major, which has been used by some to date the Revelation. I’ll drop a link here just in case you're curious how they do it. For what it's worth.


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