A Letter to MAGA and Other Haters of the Woke

First--I'm a felon and can't vote (that we are close to having a felon president notwithstanding), but if I could, I'd vote Harris. You got-damn right I would. Even though she's said and done things I don't like, I would. Why? She's not Trump, and this is the way the game is played. Unless 200 million of us all band together, this is the way the game will CONTINUE to be played. Is that going to happen?

HA! NO. So. Yes, I'd vote Harris.

Wanna throw over it, MAGA?

You chant "Fight!"

And the rage kicks in...

I've done my best to be nice in this. I've watched people who've never made a fist in their life cry for Mad Max shit to happen. That's so fucking annoying. I've done my best to keep quiet.

I'm fuckin' done being quiet.

(Some clarity before we begin: When I say "forever" I mean as far as the USA is concerned. Continuing on.)

The "woke" people have been repressed and persecuted FOR THE FUCK EVER. Do you understand that word? The keyword here is FOREVER. People of other pigments, enslaved and beaten since forever. People of other sexual orientations, beaten and ostracized since forever. And it goes on. Maybe watch Mississippi Burning one time. How'd you like to have your balls cut off and fed to you because you had the temerity to be black in a white man's world? How many gay kids get beat and killed and no one says shit? I never met one who couldn't fight. That says something y'all need to fuckin think about. 

Now they get a voice finally and you want to bitch? How about DON'T. Why would you slander them? Let's see...because you don't want to use they/them pronouns. Okay. THAT'S NOT REAL. I HAVE SEEN THAT NO THE FUCK WHERE. It, like most things that piss you off, is social media horseshit. Of places I go--not one vape shop. Not one dispensary, not one restaurant, in fact not one ANYTHEFUCKWHERE has asked me to shift my pronoun usage. Not ONE alt friend I have has demanded that I shift my usage of the English language*. So, like cancel culture, it's NOT FUCKING REAL, dig it? It's social media BS. What else? Critical race theory? THIS BLOG RIGHT HERE IS CRT and guess what, they're teaching the truth. White folks in this country HAVE done horrible things to members of other races and they DID treat them like property or lesser people all the way until about 1970 (arguably longer) and it SHOULD be taught, so get the FUCK over it. 

Maybe you think they're coming after kids. Hold on. Give me a just a sec, I'm about to--

BWAAAHAHAHAAAA! FUCKING LOL! What a crock of DeSantis bred cunt shit STOP. Just stop. The only people coming after your kids are the ones with the Trump pamphlets. Duh. Open your eyes, dummy. I read It, Christine, Dune, and First Blood out of my school library. So all that's okay UNLESS THE PEOPLE IN IT ARE GAY! GRAITUITOUS VIOLENCE IS COOL BUT AHH GAY!

Fuck off ffs you're just afraid you might be so you don't want to look at it. The desire for cock messing with ya, redneck preacher? Fuck off. It's just a dick. They're only scary in prison.

What else? Mad because of what entertainment media is doing with the washing?

Okay, we white folks have been also doing that FOR THE FUCK EVER, savvy? How many times over the CENTURIES were women and men of other colors portrayed by white folks in blackface, hm? All the commercials when I grew up and all the way until 20 the fuck 20 it was WHITE WIGGIDY WHITE WHITE WHITE everywhere you looked on TV. Krispy Whitebread Wonder White Miracle Whip Wiggidy White. Fuck.

So get over it, man. Learn to read. Grow a brain. Quit parroting Jesse Watters and Sean "Unbelievable" Hannity. Y'all sound like angry ass Macaws. Jesus fuckin' Palomino. Let these men and women have their time. They got a right. 

And I will fight for them if I have have to down to the blood, bone, and teeth of me. Shit, why not? What the fuck I got to lose, hm? What you think just because I'm white I got to hate everyone like you do? Suck my dick. 

Nah. I wouldn't let you. My dick is golden. You're not worthy of it, MAGA.

Here's a tip--if you'd spend more time training and less time hating, should the Accelerationists have their way you might actually be ready. Maybe you should focus on that instead. While you're crying, some of us are training. You MAGAs talk about a bloodbath if we don't sit on our hands and just feed Trump the White House?

Ho-ho. Oh holy o HO HO HO.

We'll see how that one works out for you. Y'all might have a day. Maybe a month. It won't last. We don't sit down. We fight. And we're not just talking that shit over beer and Kid Rock. We have been bullied over and over and over and eventually we learned to beat the bullies. You haven't had to deal with that. How much real fighting have you done, MAGA? 

You should ask yourself that before you keep shitting on us. Think about what we come from and what you square ass moral majority motherfuckers come from. Think about that before you talk fight shit.

Not that you've ever been good at that, MAGA. You come out the gate talking blood but the second we got back you cry, cry, cry.

Those guys don't win fights...

It's food for thought. 

There's more I'm ready to fight over, but we'll save it. For now. 

Enjoy your beer, MAGA. Keep drinking it, please. And make sure you eat all the fatty shit you can find. 

Did I have a, point with this? Yes. In no uncertain terms, I'm telling all MAGA across the board--fuck yourself. Fall. Perish. You are cunts.

Have a nice day.

*if they're doing it to you, it's probably because they think you're a cunt and seek to annoy you to death so you'll fuck off and not come around them again. There's a clue for ya.


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