Trump, Harris, and Entropic Design

I'm looking through this blog. There's triple digit reads on many things, but the plants have only 3.


What's the matter?



Okay, now that we've laughed together, let's get serious.

I see Harris diss memes, I see Trump diss memes, I see some people doing both and I get it. I do. I'm a very, very understanding bastard. I will not lose love for anyone who disses Harris. I'm not sure of her myself. She's a DA, and I'm a Felon. However, though a Felon, Trump is the kind of Felon we real Felons punk out in the pod if you feel me. If he went to jail, his only hope would be to join the Aryan Nation. They'd have him. The Bloods would fucking eat him guaranteed. He's Hitler on Valium with a group of Nazis Who Hate Brown People Instead behind him. Still I can't, knowing what I know, just say "Yes, Harris will save the world. I do not know that. There every chance she'll go the police state route, she is a cop. But I know beyond all doubt Trump will destroy politics as we know it. 

You cannot round people up. Period. That is ALL. You talk that shit, I hate you. End of story.

Anyway, that's me. And the following is what I believe is the shrewdest way to, as a plebe, move your chess pieces around the marble board of realpolitik.

(Stop disdaining being shrewd. Promotion of that disdain is the gaslighter's way of making sure you never compete. So is most memetic patronization. These are real forms of black magic. Disdain at peril.)

If you are reading this, you're a plebe. The odds of Trump, Putin, Jinping or the like are fucking zilch. So if you're wondering, yes, you're a plebe.

You can call yourself a bougie if it helps you sleep at night but!

TRUMP v HARRIS and the like is the way the American political game is played. The odds of this ever changing are the same as the odds of 200 million Americans banding together and demanding change (not on the internet but for real--the bigwigs do not consider the internet showing up, only us plebes consider the net as such). Voting Kennedy will not do it. They've made sure of that. Voting for him will only help TRUMP v HARRIS in some form or fashion. It will take the abovementioned banding together to make change. I have zero faith that this degree of plebeian unity is even possible in our current state of...hive mind snark? Memetic warfare based on gaslightings of the wealthy to keep us angry and stupid? That's not a bad description for what we're all becoming and how and why, but of course we all think that's stupid because the memes say it is.

Yes, patronize each other, ho ho...322 bitches

We shouldn't be doing this to each other. We should be doing it to them. ONLY to them. Fighting your fellow plebe is a waste of time. You both lose, and that's it. 

Ergo, whatever you think of Harris, and perhaps sadly so, we, I hope, will see--dissing her will only help the absolutely disgusting little horn swine that is Donald J. Trump. Anyone who can spin this from entropy and change it overnight, fuck. Good job, man. That person will have done the ever impossible. So by all means. If you like round ups. If you like the idea of illegal unemployment. If you like the idea of Zyklon B. If you would like your ex-pat move to be made fucking pointless. By all means. Help Trump by dissing Harris.

As far as Palestine, TRUMP or HARRIS will likely move the same way. They both want those train tracks, bud, and it's all about the commercial goods and dope going from India to Europe. We (and Netanyahu agrees) said here have some train tracks through the holy land oh fuck don't kill our tourists you pricks! We want our train tracks! Fuck you! I'll show ya to the river to the sea, bitch! 

That's what we're doing. They're both going to continue with that under the auspices of evil terrorist Palestine and their black eagle flag which is all you're likely to hear on TV. Like I said before. God is Bad for least when his name is Allah and not Mammon. 

Which would be better? Idk. Do you like definitely a Tyrant or maybe a Tyrant? Do you want the evil that IS? Or to take a chance on possibility? Would you like Trump to appropriate Taiwan for Xi Jinping? Or would you rather fight? With Harris, maybe you'll have to, I don't know. Jinping might move in and start a war, but maybe not. But Trump will definitely hand Taiwan over if he things doing so will serve his demagogue. 

He would. Oh, believe it! How to you suppose he proposes to end the wars with the snap of a finger? Here China, have Taiwan. Here Russia, have the Ukraine and whatever else you want because fuck NATO. That is how. There is no other way to do it. You don't stop gangsters, and really hear this folks, by calling them NAUGHTY. Trump is saying he can do that. It's bullshit. He's going to broker a real estate deal with the two gangsters. It will work. Gangsters fucking love getting a new block to run.

Get ready to see the ultimate in real estate deals.

The steps to all motion must be taken. We must play the game this way until we can finesse the collective unconscious into ripening the time of revolt. That is to say getting 200 milluon or more to agree and make moves. Do it another way and you will lose. We don't live in the days of Wat Tyler anymore, and he didn't do very well when we did. There are drones. Lasers. Fucking hand cannons available to every cunt. Can you use those? So until the entire East and West coasts both simply fall into the ocean overnight and sink immediately to the bottom of it, we will have to play the game with our minds spun to rabidly choose between one power hungry fuck and another. Until the politician as a concept and body spontaneously combust full board we shall have to play the game this way. If you can argue against this, do it. I don't believe anyone can. This isn't an opinion, it's an observable FACT. You could do away with us Yanks and Putin or the Torries would slide right in and start making you live their way. Or maybe the Indians would realize how big their country is and what that means. They will make you take that cock whether you want to or not...heh... you'll learn to like it. 

Isn't entropy awesome?

All this said I enjoy anyone who fights the good fight. Maybe union will happen. If I could use words to bring about full plebeian union, I would. You can see me trying, friends. Violence will not do it. It must be done with the Word.

Stop fucking fighting each other. You are not the enemy.


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