Sloth, Pretense, and the Yattering
About a year ago, I got an idea bug. Bunch of projects I wanted to do. I knew I had to write a book about my time on the street, washing windows and grabbing scrap ladders for dope, of the Strange Playground I made of Houston and Reno. John Bruni, Bizzaro author and Bubba to me, had made mention of wishing someone would make illustrated audiobooks of his tales, or a similar thing. Well, I can do that, I thought...and after all that thinking it was time to quit dope. Six weeks of agony and eight weeks of neurosis later, I still hadn't even begun. My muse died. My heart died. Everything I'd built in dope died, which meant I died. My brain felt wired backwards. If an emotion sought life, I crushed it with a process called Neuro-Linguistic Programming. So what, who cares, love is unnecessary, emotional investment is death, whittle it down to one-word responses, and above all, show no emotion. Listen to no memories of the havoc, the destruction, and the vainglorious waste of time of...