The Quaternium of Oppression
This is based on...everything I've ever read about everything, be it truth or tale. I didn't come up with this myself. These titles exist, save True Marketer, which is my whole-cloth name for today's tyrants. Reading certain old books I figured were made-up I find later in life, prize-winning journalists writing about these sorts, maybe not under these names, but their DOINGS are the same. And in that my love for dystopian musings. True Marketer (esoteric)*autocrat who sells oppression to the proletarian through media manipulation and social experiments* Skip Tracer *one who can find, through tech or psychic ability, anyone on the planet* Shadow Adept (esoteric)*skilled in replacing unaware psyches with their own undetected* Think Tank *a group of elite minds who study the population and convene to brainstorm social experiments to aid the Marketers under the auspices of social and economic well-being* Truth is stranger than fiction. But when the two meet and somehow make fa...